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Choose the Locally Owned Locksmiths in Squamish & Whistler, BC

Mountain Locksmiths is trusted by home and business owners throughout Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, North Vancouver, and West Vancouver, BC. As a locally owned and operated locksmith company, we consistently deliver unparalleled customer excellence to each project. We combine our genuine passion for helping home and business owners feel safe with the latest technologies and hardware available in the industry to deliver exceptional results. Our top priority is keeping you, your family, and other building occupants safe. Discover what sets us apart from other locksmith companies in the area.

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Meet Our Owner

Our owner, Russell, is a licensed locksmith who was born and raised in BC. He has over a decade of qualified experience providing locksmith services to commercial and residential clients. For the past 6 years, Russell has focused on providing locksmith services in the Sea to Sky corridor. Throughout all of Russell’s experience, he has remained up to date on all the latest technologies in the industry, including high-security locks, which may cause trouble for less experienced companies. You’re in great hands with Mountain Locksmiths. When Russell is not helping to improve the safety and security of client’s properties, he enjoys working on vehicles, camping, and long walks with his wife and dog.

Making Locksmith Keys

Discover Why More Home and Business Owners Choose Us

When it comes to the safety, security, and style of your home or business, there’s no substitute for experience. At Mountain Locksmiths, we’re committed to ensuring our clients receive the very best solutions for all their locksmith needs. We deliver high-quality repair, replacement, and new installation services for door locks, door hardening, and high-security safes. Discover why more home and business owners throughout Squamish & Whistler, BC trust us:

  • 24/7 Emergency Services
  • Licensed Locksmith
  • Latest Industry Equipment
  • Responsive and Courteous
  • Target Hardening Services

Trust Our Local Locksmiths for All Your Security Needs

Mountain Locksmiths will help you improve the safety and security of your home or business with comprehensive locksmith services in Squamish, Whistler, Pemberton, North Vancouver, and West Vancouver, BC. We have over ten years of industry experience. We’re able to respond quickly and decisively to emergency calls, including burglary and break-ins, to provide you peace of mind. We genuinely care about helping to improve our client’s safety and comfort by providing high-quality repair, replacement, and installation services. We’re available 24/7 for emergency locksmith services. Contact us when you need us most.

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Available 24/7